Blog Post #5: Bokeh Photography (INSPIRATION)

Bokeh photography is the effect of having a soft and out-of-focus background when shooting a subject. This is usually accomplished with a fast lens and a wide aperture like f/2.8. Bokeh is affected by the shape of the blades of the lens/the aperture. A lens with more circular blades will have rounder and softer areas of out-of-focus highlights. In bokeh photography, only an element of the image is intentionally blurred and it helps to emphasize certain points of lights, shadows, and highlights. Bokeh tends to occur in areas that are outside of the focal point.

By looking at many different examples of bokeh photography on the internet, I was really inspired to try this technique in future projects. I think that the blurred effect allows the subject of the image to stand out. It also gives a nice soft effect to the lighting in the shadows and highlights of the photo and allows any harsh corners and angles to ease and blend the overall photo. Here are some examples that really inspired me.

forget me nots
Image result for bokeh photography examples
Image result for bokeh photography examples person×638.jpg

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