Blog #4: 2 Point Perspective (IDEA)

Perspective is a very important feature in art as it allows the viewers to center their attention on a certain part of an artwork. Without perspective, art would look flat and lack any dimension. I have learned how to do perspective drawing in fundamental art class a couple years ago, but I would definitely love to learn how to take photos using these same concepts. When I look at a photograph of a landscape, my eyes are immediately drawn to either one or two points on the photograph and this helps me to get a quick overview of the entire landscape in just one take. I personally think that two point perspective is tougher to master as it requires you to meticulously pick two points on the photograph that go hand in hand. 2 point perspective should allow the viewers to have a clear view of the image and not have their attention distorted by being drawn to random parts of the picture.

This idea definitely came from learning about perspective drawing in prior art classes. I am yet to find specific photographers who have made a series or collection based on landscape perspective photography but I have attached below some images with unknown photographers that I would like to attempt in the future.

Image result for perspective photography
Image result for perspective photography
Image result for perspective photography

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